Thursday, January 8, 2009

VLOG is spanish for... The McMannus Edition

Hello. Hi.

This week has been a little weird. So far this year (keep in mind we are only 8 days in), i have been in TWO car accidents. Count 'em, one. two.


I was on my way downtown and everything turned to black ice. It happened so quickly i didn't even see it coming, didn't see the road beneath me glazing over in a sheet of scary fucking ice. The entire road was an ice rink. Just around the bend i could see tail lights. The highway lit up like Christmas and so the the pack of traffic i was in began to slow down. But the ice, the stupid fucking ice that we were unaware of sent us all spinning and swerving. There were a dozen of us trying to hold our wheels steady and failing.

People were hitting each other and the guard rail, and i started to fish tail. A car just ahead of me was spinning and spinning and we just missed each others' front ends as my back end whipped around and slammed into the median.

Holy shit... i thought.


McMannus guilted me into going to Como's even though i felt like poopy shit and still kind of do. My neck HURTS and so does my back because whiplash is a motherfucker. My dad is strong arming me into going to the chiropractor tomorrow.

Anyway, so my organs felt a little rattled all day yesterday and i felt nauseous most of the day and it didnt exactly wear off as the night wore on. But i went with her cause that's what best friends do, they drag each other to once a month lesbian nights even when they dont really wanna go.

After we left stupid awkward Como's, we drove Noel to the parking lot where she left her car. McMannus started to step out of the car to give Noel a proper hug and then quickly jumped back in, closing the door, saying "um..."

And then BAM. We got t-boned. Some douchetard was backing out his space like a bat out of hell without even looking and smashed into us. Thanks!

For anyone keeping score, that's two accidents in 24 hours. Holler!

we VLOG because... we can.

Between car crashes McMannus and i vlogged. You guys.... it was kinda hot. I mean, you can totally make your own assessment. But i'm telling you, when you put two weirdos in a room with iMovie, props, hats and wine, you get some really ridiculous results.

We told some really long stories and have roughly 1 hour of footage. So im thinking i might do this in installments. The first one has absolutely no theme and/or common thread whatsoever.

Sidenote: While editing the footage i couldn't help but notice how often we break into song. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that she's a radio jock and i am in a band. I could be way off. Samsonite.

I will probably edit most of the rest of the footage into two more videos. We'll see. I think we all know how good i am at following through with creative ideas that require any more than a couple hours of work.

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