Yesterday was a ridiculously productive day. I finally finished putting together the shelf that I began assembling months ago. Long story, short: I should never attempt the construction of anything if I am even the slightest bit upset.
While writing the first draft of this, I was watching Running With Scissors.

See, I kind of felt like reading but there were a great many other things I needed to get done. Since I only own a few books on tape (by that, of course I mean CD) I went to the next best thing: books on DVD. Holla!
Although, not all books translate well to film, some are pretty ok and some others are great. More on that later.
First, I would like to address the responses I got from my last post. More than anything I was shocked that anyone would think, even for a second, that I was spreading “hurt”, “hate”, etc.
Maybe I should’ve prefaced the whole thing with a bit about how I was just kidding around and didn’t mean any harm to anyone. I wasn’t insulting the artists themselves, just poking fun at a few goofy album covers.
If anyone took it as a personal jab at the artists themselves, what they might’ve done for the women’s movement, or how much fun their sing-a-longs may be, I apologize. Rest assured that I didn’t mean any harm.
I just think it’s ridiculous that anyone would be offended by such a thing and I think that maybe you (those who are/were offended) should lighten up. Life is gonna be pretty upsetting if you can’t learn to laugh at yourself/funny album covers. But, yeah, sorry. And also, calm down/maybe read a different blog that’s about rainbows and sunshine and butterflies.
Sidenote: Wanna know what I miss most about office work? Bagels.

(I was just watching The Devil Wears Prada and Anne Hathaway gets one on the way to her interview. It looked so delicious. Yay for bagels!)
Awesome = The Departed

Not Awesome = WSU theatre dept. paperwork. Trust me.
Most Awesome Thing EVER = JP! She just edges out kosher wine and bagels.

Question: Why can’t I fall asleep before 5am?
Possible Solutions: Pass out drunk.
It’s worked before, but I’m hesitant to try again. Here’s why:
Pros: I’d have to start drinking early and heavily in order to pass out at a decent hour, let’s say midnight.
Cons: Liver damage, money I really shouldn’t be spending, sleep/feel like shit all through the next day (meaning I might stay up late again and be right back where I started).
Really, there is only one pro and that’s really a con, unless I go to the bar and have a blast. It’d be cheaper to do it at home, but that would just be sad, even if my girlfriend/roommate was keeping me company.
Back to the books on DVD topic. Actually, you know what? I’m kind of tired and I have lost sight of where this was going in the first place.
Update: (11-18-07)
I’m in Chicago right now and I would like to blog about that real bad instead, so I just want to post this as is. I kind of sat on it for a while, in the vain hope that I would somehow finish it in a timely fashion. But hasn’t worked out so well. So, I’m throwing in the towel. This post was probably doomed from the beginning anyhow.
More to come that will be more entertaining. I swear.
1 comment:
I just wanted to thank you for clearing up the controversy surrounding your previous blog entry. It was a relief to find out that you weren't a hate monger and that it was all done in good fun. Maybe as a public service you could provide a list of suggested blogs about rainbows, sunshine and/or butterflies for anyone that has had their sense of humor surgically removed. I'm sure there are lots of really fascinating ones out there.
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