Friday, October 30, 2009

"Can you say: ridiculo?!"

I am home sick today with the NON H1N1 flu. My entire body aches like I've been run over by a group of angry lineman.

Last night, I scraped myself out of bed to go to the store and pick up a few "remedies" like tea, TheraFlu and a shit ton of juice. As I was standing in line, I noticed some of the clever, last minute, impulse buys displayed near the registers.

There are Magic Gloves


What makes these gloves so magical? I have no idea because the packaging did not include an explanation and/or a list of features. But don't worry, because I could've just bought little Dora socks with feet already in them.


Way to take out the middle man, Ferndale Foods! And lastly...


Yes, you're reading that right: French Toast Children's Tights.

What. The. Hell.

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