Wednesday, October 28, 2009

thank you?


This one comes with a story...

Not too long ago, Clare found herself the victim of theft. Some sweaty bastard that she works with in NYC stole her Metro card right out of her jacket pocket. She suspected him almost immediately and "confronted" him passive aggressively. It went a little something like this:

SWEATY BASTARD: Hi. How are you?
CLARE: Shitty. Someone stole my Metro card today and I just put, like, $90 on it. Worst day ever!
SWEATY BASTARD: Wow. That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that.
CLARE: Thanks. I'm so mad. I mean, why would someone do that?
SWEATY BASTARD: I have no idea. [long pause] I don't even take public transportation. Not a bus or the subway or anything. I ride my bike.
CLARE: [confused] Riiiight...

So, she got an empty card and placed it in her jacket pocket again with the cute little note pictured above.

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